The sounds the push me through scanning for hours! RIP!
Trailer for a documentary called “In No Great Hurry” on photographer Saul Leiter.
I had never heard of him but apparently he was a pioneer of color photography who began work in the 1950s. He was mostly under the radar save for a show at MoMa in 1953.
These words speak to my soul:
“I see no reason for being in a rush. When you consider many of the things that people treat very seriously, than you realize that they don’t deserve to be treated that seriously, and many of the things that people worry about are not really worth worrying about. If I didn’t do anything more than my little book wouldn’t that be enough?”
Photo © Tristan Wheelock
Who is this? I found these prints in a folder of old things I inherited. Each print is stamped with “Please credit photo by Annie Lebovitz” on the back and an address.
Bolivia Found Part 2
Here’s the second installment of photos from Boliva taken last November. Sucre to La Paz to the airport to the States.
“As long as we’re addicted to hope, we feel that we can tone our experience down or liven it up or change it somehow, and we continue to suffer a lot. In a nontheistic state of mind, abandoning hope is an affirmation, the beginning of the beginning. You could even put “Abandon Hope” on your refrigerator door instead of more conventional aspirations like “Everyday in everyway, I’m getting better and better.” We hold onto hope and it robs us of the present moment. If hope and fear are two different sides of the same coin, so are hopelessness and confidence. If we’re willing to give up hope that insecurity and pain can be exterminated, then we can have the courage to relax with the groundlessness of our situation.”
Excerpted from When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron
Boliva Found Part 1
Last November I went to Bolivia for a couple weeks. It didn’t go that well for me but I did take some pictures. I lost the card they were on and didn’t find it again until six months later when I was cleaning out a backpack.
More to come…
Breakdancer. Sucre, Bolivia. November, 2012.
My friend Francis wrenching on his Sportster. He’s changed it up three times since I’ve know him, swears this is the final evolution.
Mustang getting ready to race at the Atco Dragway.